
We take the risk out of strategy execution

Making sure your organisation is fully aligned with your strategy

To experience a shortened version of the Align+® Strategy diagnostic click on the button below to access 9 of the 18 questions. Once completed, an illustrative report is generated showing how effectively your business is aligned to deliver your business strategy.

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Align+® Suite Tools

Nine tools make up the Align+® diagnostic suite. A brief description of each is shown below. If you would like to know more about each diagnostic tool contact us

Align + Strategy

Align+® Strategy Identifies with precision, the specific areas, where action is required in order to enable successful execution of strategy. We ask you and your teams to evaluate your strategy around three core dimensions:

Robust - which asks how good are the assumptions you have made about markets, competitors, capabilities, costs, regulations, technology?
Resilient - which asks is the strategy still viable if a few assumptions go wrong?
Ready - which asks are your structures, processes, decision-making mechanisms, metrics and reward systems future-facing?

Align+® Strategy is the gateway diagnostic through which we usually start engagements with a client.

Align + Leadership

The Align+® Leadership diagnostic is divided into Performance Leadership, Strategic Leadership, System Leadership and Inclusive Leadership capabilities. Align+® Leadership helps an individual leader to understand their profile of strengths and weaknesses and instantly see what the most urgent areas of attention are for them

Align + Engagement

The Align+® Engagement diagnostic helps leaders/managers and employees independently evaluate their own views of engagement against four specific dimensions: Role Clarity, Manager/Supervisor Relationship, Autonomy, Understanding Purpose and Strategy

Align + Culture

The Align+® Culture diagnostic helps leaders and employees describe the organisation culture and behaviour that will be required to effectively support delivery of the strategy. A gap analysis between ‘as-is’ and ‘to be’ is determined allowing the organisation to decide where action needs to be taken

Align + Structure

The Align+® Structure diagnostic asks participants to evaluate where the focus of your strategic intent needs to be by asking about the three main value drivers of strategic success: Operational Excellence, Customer Excellence and Product Excellence.

Align + Risk

The Align+® Risk diagnostic helps Boards and Leadership Teams first to recognise Risk in all its forms and then, to confirm whether there are Governance systems in place to monitor and address the identified elements of Risk

Align + Process

The Align+® Process diagnostic checks how effective a Company’s strategic planning process is, where the most glaring gaps are, and which elements need to be urgently set right

Align + Board

The Align+® Board diagnostic helps the Board to flag up for itself the most vulnerable areas to Board effectiveness. This diagnostic will highlight where governance, stewardship and/or leadership will need to be addressed

Align + Brexit

The Align+® Brexit diagnostic helps companies to look intelligently at a range of possible outcomes, and then be able to assess which of the risks or opportunities require immediate preparatory action

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